Finding the encouragement and motivation to embrace the use of hearing aids can be difficult when they’re not exactly publicized in the positive light that they should be. Despite the fact that they continue to evolve and change to suit one’s comfort as invisibly as possible, many people still shy away from them. But it can be helpful to see that many celebrities old and new have made known their hearing loss and need for hearing aids. And knowing that others have faced the same difficulties that you have can be incredibly reassuring. Let’s look at a few famous individuals who have overcome their fears and opened up their arms to all the good hearing aids can bring. 

Ludwig van Beethoven is probably the most famous musician with hearing loss in our history. He experienced a gradual hearing loss accompanied by tinnitus (ringing in the ears) beginning in his late-20’s. He openly used one of the oldest forms of aid available – the ear trumpet! These large, funnel-shaped devices are a far cry from the tiny aids we’re now lucky to have. They directed sound into the ear, but did not do much in the ways of volume and clarity – and not to mention appearance. But Beethoven made the best of what he had just the same, and rose to success with his symphonies. Many have theorized that his inclination toward notes from middle or low frequencies was his way of managing his hearing loss, since higher-frequency notes are much more difficult to hear clearly.beet

Another eclectic individual who has publicized his hearing loss and use of aids is our former president Bill Clinton. After noticing that he was having more and more difficulty hearing in loud environments, Clinton was diagnosed with high frequency hearing loss. He uses in-canal hearing aids. He believes that his hearing loss was noise-induced, since he enjoyed hunting, going to rallies, and listening to music at high volumes and with little or no hearing protection.

Like Bill, The Who’s Pete Townshend suffered noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus after years of (very loud) success in the music world. A fun fact: The Who held one of the loudest concerts ever in London, 1976. Townshend openly uses an in-ear monitor.