Siemens has just announced its newest development: Smart Hearing Aids. These aids allow you to pick and choose what and who you would like to hear most clearly at any given moment. The aids connect to your smartphone, whereupon you can adjust the settings to things like “noisy environment,” “outdoor sport,” “tinnitus,” “TV,” or simply “universal” (general), and the aids will adjust clarity and volume according to your environment and choice.

But get this – although you have the ability to change the settings manually, you don’t necessarily have to: the hearing aids “automatically detect and adapt to [any] environment.” They also feature a special configurator, which allows you to adjust the microphone’s direction and volume; you can even change the span of the microphone to focus on a particular voice or conversation. The aids can subdue background noise, too. Siemens says these aids are “clinically proven to deliver better than normal hearing [at] places like busy restaurants and cocktail parties.”

The aids also come with an easyTek (which users can choose to wear, but it isn’t required) that hangs around the neck and connects to phones, computers, tablets, and TVs to allow the aids to work as headphones. Hearing aids are getting smarter every day!